Join us at The British Library as we explore our archive and celebrate our work over the past 56 years.
The event will begin with live music from George Khan and Mike Figgis, who have been part of the British music scene since the mid '60s. Accompanying them will be a projected slide show of photographs from our extensive archive, selected and mixed live by Sadie Cook.
This will be followed by a reading from Mark Long’s People Show memoir, Nobody Knows but Everybody Remembers and a panel conversation featuring British Library curator, Eva del Rey as well as Mark Long, Mike Figgis, Fiona Creese, George Khan and Sadie Cook. The conversation will be chaired by award-winning theatre artist and scholar, Anna Furse and will highlight some fascinating People Show collection items. The conversation will be followed by a Q&A, giving you the opportunity to put your questions to our line-up.
Knowledge Centre, The British Library - Sunday 13th March 2022 14:00 - 16:00
Anything Could Happen Next: A Celebration of People Show