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People Show artists offer a range of educational programmes ranging from one off bespoke workshops to longer term residencies, directing large scale performances and lectures. Check out portfolio of work here 


We have most recently worked with students from: 


University of Derby, University of Sussex, University of Bedfordshire, University of Roehampton, Academy of Live and Recorded Arts (ALRA), Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), People Show Summer School, Goldsmiths University, London, London Southbank University & Brighton College.


Our education programmes are suitable for GCSE, BTEC, AS Level, A Level and Undergraduate study and can be tailored to your specific course requirements. We provide students with proven People Show devising tools and techniques. This will enable students to be able to create new and exciting work in performance, whether by developing their individual skills or learning how to devise a show within a team of people.


We want students to work to create the material from themselves, their partners in the room and the environment around them. We encourage and develop work with text, visuals, sound, film, movement, light, live music and design to create a true form of new work. 


For more information on any of our Education and Outreach programmes or to to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.




"After a year of online learning, it was fantastic to finally work face to face, exploring different techniques and styles"

Student, People Show 142: Presenting The Present


"Working with the people show on this project was a highly enjoyable experience! Working with creative minds inspired me in my own work."  
Student, People Show 142: Presenting The Present


"Thank you very much for this experience! It's really opened my eyes to a different way of theatre, I've loved it all!" 

Student, People Show 131: Putney Library

"It was the most informative masterclass we've had." 

Student, University of Bedfordshire


"It's given me confidence to believe in my skills"

Student, People Show 128: The Crypt Project, 2015


“The relationship with the People Show is really significant as participants gain so much from working with the company. I personally value the partnership work that we do with People Show and I know that the young people get a lot out of it in terms of their personal and social development."

Aminul Hoque, Project Co-ordinator, Rathbone Foundation


"I have gained skills in devising from scratch with no source material and creating a narrative without text or words."

Student, People Show 128: The Crypt Project


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People Show Ltd is registered in England and Wales: 2211267

People Show Ltd is a registered charity: 298502


People Show

Pophub Leicester Square

4 1  W h i t c o m b  S t

L o n d o n

W C 2 H  7 D T

07916 027682

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