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Core Artists:   

Gareth Brierley, Sadie Cook, Fiona Creese, George Khan & Mark Long



Maya Willcocks



Gill Lloyd (Chair), Jessica Littlemore, Roxana Silbert & Pete Staves


Associate Artists:

Nicole Black, Nigel Edwards, Christine Entwisle, Amanda Hadingue, Tyrone Huggins, Rob Kennedy, Lyndal Marwick, Amelia Pimlott, Bernadette Russell, Nick Tigg, Jack Trow & Emil Wolk & Jessica Worrall.

People Show have worked with an amazing array of 180 other artists up until the present day. You can find details of these in our current and archive listings. 


We are People Show. We are a collective company of artists who form the UK’s first experimental theatre company. Informed by a rich legacy of performance dating back to 1966, every new show we make is given a number to instigate our next creative enquiry. Creatively we are always shifting shape, actively defying definition…

Our non-hierarchical approach to creating live performance and new theatrical work has always gone against the grain and resisted form. Unanchored by traditional theatrical structure, each of our shows becomes an expression of whatever and whoever arrives at the rehearsal room on day one of the making process. We take inspiration from everywhere, respond to the moment and never limit the scope of our ideas. Over the past 50 years we have created devised performances in theatres, in fields, in telephone boxes, on streets, even on water.

In a world where possibilities seem limitless but there is so much pressure on the arts, the more important preserving this creative freedom feels. Nothing is predetermined. We can’t tell programmers, press or the most important people - our audiences - what they are coming to see. It’s risky and unpredictable. But we love it and wouldn’t want to do it any other way.


Thank you for daring with us. We are all People Show.

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